I saw Lagway and Dike drawing it up in the dirt before the snap.
Never,never, never play for overtime on the road!
Should’ve grown a pair! We have nothing to lose on the road on a Saturday night!
Tonight is the night that DJ becomes a Gator legend!
Why did we go away from the run? WHY!!
Welcome back, old Billy
Extend Billy!!
Why bring Mertz back in?
Mine were Sears toughskins
Dike was soooo open
Webb needs to stay in the game
Pass on first down, but same yardage as a run. Excellent call.
Underwood is the only player that plays like his hair is on fire!
Weird, ran Johnson on 1st down.
He posted something similar on 8/31.
Thanks Skittle
I think he stays if we get that guy from Ole Miss