Don't give Billy any ideas.
Yes. 10-4 (is that correct?) beats 5-7, all day, hands down, in public perception, media perception, and player perception.
Staff Directory - Florida Gators
Foley is still part of the UAA.
Well this isn't good: [MEDIA]
Apparently so!
Which one(s)? I'll wait... [ATTACH]
Indeed, his process includes winning.
Did he say "respect my decision"?
What the hell is talking to his dad about?
Early National Signing Day Central: Florida Gators | GatorCountry.com
You think he may get a bit of leeway due to his record?
Different positions.
Poor soul is going to wear his hip out in season 1.
Do we really care what Dion has to say? Really?
John McKay is onboard with this.