Is it really work when the place is closed? [MEDIA]
I would have sworn it said Trump and at one time he was praising him. My bad!! Sorry!
Not so fast--evidently: Geraldo Rivera endorses Kamala Harris over Donald Trump Television personality Geraldo Rivera revealed Monday that he is...
Lol a lawyer from South Carolina took all the Gamecock tickets at a premium. Made things very easy and profitable.
I mentioned upstream that it was a take off on the feed a friend videos that took place over the summer. Here is an example of something being...
It is very common to have thoughts in a paper that came from elsewhere and didn't get noted. As to your own papers--if the professor had read...
It was a take on the feed a friend videos from earlier this year and promoted chip manufacturing in Michigan. Another nothing burger from a group...
Plagiarism is so easy to do unintentionally! An idea or thought that pops in to your mind--but you might have heard it somewhere else, etc....
He ran on the maga ticket in 22 in Nevada. The guy is all Trump. Trump will likely bill it as attempt #3. I think the sheriff is trying to get...
He told the cops about the guns---this falls under the no big deal category in reality....
Yes, they used to be. I would speculate that between Amazon and Christian Book Dist most of them are less than 60 these days. Fortunately, I...
Yes, I knew before seeing it here. It was on several "mainstream" sites. It has not been kept secret.
Honestly, $60 for any bible is way expensive. The nicer ones run in the 40 range and if you go to a discounter you can get them much cheaper. If...
Probably the only place this is not getting reported is on the far right wing sites. A quick search shows it on most major sites. And of...
It is amazing that virtually every time he criticizes someone else he has already worked the grift. It is almost like he runs his previous cons...
And any court case brought by progressives will be heard by a conservative and possibly MAGA style judge. The case likely would have close to...
Who is going to get blamed for that "misquote" LOL Who did the ghostwriting for her? Has it leaked anywhere?
One year I was able to buy 2 tickets to all games of the MCWS. Sold the non-Gator games and paid for the tickets and all my expenses for the...
A lot of it is money and people power. The unions help tremendously with GOTV efforts. Someone needs a ride to the polls, doors need to...
More than 1 has endorsed her: Harris campaign spokesperson Ian Sams said on social media that Harris had earned the endorsement of Teamsters...