Liberals aren't going to oppose most of those things. So why haven't they happened?
Sort of. He said he would sell a cake off the shelf, but refused to make a new wedding cake, of any kind, for the gay couple. So it wasn't the...
The biggest issue in the baker's case was that you couldn't pick the purported "gay" cake out of a lineup. It was the planned use of the cake that...
They don't even get that benefit. Disney pays all the normal county taxes, at the exact same millage rate as other county residents, despite...
It's really only "independent" from local government. It still has to follow all of the county/state/federal regs that everyone else has to...
The full clause says descendants living at the time of execution, so it would be whichever grandkid lives the longest + 21 years.
Seriously WDW is a true libertarian’s wet dream. Disney paid for every square inch of that place. From the buildings to the roads to the...
thx. saved me 2100 pages of reading.
Ah, so we should wait for more information before commenting when a Republican takes over a locally elected school district and stacks it with...
So you're saying we'll have to wait a bit longer for your usual "both sides" deflection?
All business failures have these sorts of collateral effects on stakeholders. I don't necessarily disagree with bailing out the depositors, but at...
Jeff Jackson is great--other politicians should take notes on how to act with transparency and connect with their constituents. I couldn't tell...
I don't think higher debt costs affect big tech much operationally, but in valuing their stock, future earnings become less attractive in a higher...
Even an unfettered right would be nullified by the state passing pretextual health and safety laws that make it practically impossible to access...
My guess is the Florida Supreme Court would never allow a pro-choice amendment anywhere near the ballot unless it was worded in such a way that...
Planned Parenthood isn't allowed to use federal funding on abortion services, specifically because people in your camp complained about it....
We also shouldn't lose sight of the fact that life without the possibility of parole is its own kind of death sentence. You can never go back to...
There's very strong empirical evidence that the severity of a sentence has no impact on deterrence. I.e., 20 years vs 30 vs life vs execution; it...
Good luck, Mr. Sasse. Hope he does a good job.
Under FAA regs, altitudes above 60,000 feet revert to class E airspace, which is essentially unregulated, so I'm sure this is no accident.