Richardson’s biggest problem is his lack of consistency. I think that will be his ultimate failing in the NFL. Everybody talks about his natural...
I think this about covers it. Let’s just say that the players won’t have any trouble finding a seat on the plane to Vegas.
I saw it too. I was waiting for Watson to slap Burns. That’s the correct response for this situation right?
Welcome to the madness. We have some very opinionated posters on this site so try not to be thin-skinned. There usually is no malice intended....
I don’t know what to say except Praise God. You are a walking testament to prayer and faith. God has something else for you brother. You’re not done.
OK, I give up……why?
I think Clark’s is closed, maybe by the health department. My nephew worked in the kitchen there and said they routinely had 3 or 4 inches of...
Agree with all of the recommendations mentioned in this thread. Safe Harbor is probably the freshest seafood you’ve ever had but it closes fairly...
You can’t go anywhere, there are too many golf courses we haven’t played yet. Prayers offered every day for your healing and strength. Faith is...
Gators Open as Favorites Against Utah
He had that rare quality to calm angry conversations. Hall was the “voice of reason” on this board and he will be missed.
Good [MEDIA]Good
TestDan Mullen, Florida Gators dancing in locker room video following 70-52 win over Samford
Says we will Alabama will lose to this team in 2021, Steve Spurrier predicts
A picture taken by the Hubble Telescope. [IMG]
Big Ten: Botched fall cancellation will always follow Kevin Warren Lets see if this works.
[ATTACH] Downtown Jacksonville around 1950 or so. This is Main Street, you can see the Main Street bridge in the distance. On the right is my...
[MEDIA] And if you need more.. remember this?