That would feel so much like the Mac hire. It didn’t seem like a terrible choice but sure as heck was disappointing. I have to believe that...
....Slowly puts down the porn and weird new lube the wife left on th back of the toilet... Thanks for the warning. What? No reason, just, I...
Mullet Tom Hanks from the da Vinci Code
We go to West Virginia and burn all their fricken couches, that’s what we do!
Thanks for all the fish
@rmonteag, I got you fam. @everybody_else, nobody is going to convince anybody in this thread what to believe. If you want to think the wheel's...
Did somebody request more pimple popping?
Nice boobies are nice boobies whether fake or real. There are some very nice fake boobies out there. There are also some very scary real boobies...
Our good friend @DarthGat0R pointed out that my numbers were off in the post counts. Took a look this morning and he was correct. Seems the...
600 pages will do that.
Updated post counts through 600 pages:
I have nothing interesting to say
For cause because he has yet to win a game since signing with Florida.
This feels like the actual smokescreen. Now that the cat is out of the bag they have to deny until 11:15 tomorrow.
Oh I think this is done too, I just didn’t like franz when he was here so I didn’t want to miss a chance to take a shot at him.
You mean again right? He sure as heck did with stoops.
Wimp. I’ve already changed my 12 year old sons name to Chip.