If you don't like the way we air our perfectly legitimate grievances, GO AWAY! What it looks like reading a OaB post--bash the libs, add a...
A home question. Answer: they're not. They're more extras for the spectacle, the pageantry that is Trump's preferred method of operation. All...
Speak for yourself. I don't like trains with unelected, crazed conductors blowing through process and procedure with impunity.
Investigations usually happen before the punishment part. Innocent until proven guilty. Is that no longer a thing?
That must be why he's in such a hurry with the seizings and the takeovers and the tariffs and whatnot.
This "pain," of which Trump speaks so blithely, won't be felt by him or his billionaire supporters. They have no skin in this game of tariffs.
If there is a question of wrongdoing by USAIDS, the FBI or Justice Dept. should investigate. Oh, right, Trump doesn't trust them, and he's...
Is this the new process? Send in Trump's unelected buddy to just shut government entities down without let or hindrance? No trial, no...
Where are you getting your "evidence," from? How about some links?
Should you preface your comment with an "IMHO," or do you have proof of criminality?
Did Congress have any say in levying these tariffs? It seems incredible that one person, even the president, can unilaterally take such actions...
Do you think it's a good idea?
I think Trump's going to find a way to walk this back without losing face in the not-distant future.
Your source is less than enlightening, pulling 93% seemingly from thin air. How did they arrive at this specific number, I wonder?
I bought a couple dozen eggs before the price shot up. I call them my strategic reserve.
It certainly is. The fact that billionaires are dooming these people, especially children, to an early death is obscene.
It's not just the level of exposure. It's about time and place. There's a right and wrong time and place for everything, a concept Trump simply...
Conflict of interest is so pre-2016.
I envy you your sangfroid. Myself, I want to lay on the floor and drum my heels against the hardwood while screaming.
This all sounds lovely and reasonable, which makes it even more puzzling that these upright citizens keep electing a feces-throwing baboon...