Yes, but he's found the perfect enabler in Trump, who has literally handed him the keys to kingdom.
Cons are morally and ethically bankrupt. I can do this all day, but it's tedious and silly, so I'm out.
Which explains his meddling in the most powerful government in the world.
Cons are desperately defending the indefensible.
First of all, we still have a USDA? Secondly, there is no such thing as Bird Flu. The medical/farm complex is in cahoots to raise prices on cow...
Musk is certainly sitting pretty right about now. Just months ago, he was a generic, garden variety billionaire. Now he's got the president of...
This is what you get when crazy politics and crazy religion collide. Perhaps a medical intervention?
He wants to replace as many humans as possible with AI and machines. Is everybody ready for the rapid rise of technology and technocrats? In...
Evidently, this issue has been kicking around since Trump's 1st administration. And surprise, surprise, guess what happened then? "Trump seized...
I posted it tongue-in-cheek because it is so ridiculous. And yet, illuminating.
It's unworthy of an Executive Order, too.
He's worth an estimated $30 million. Why isn't he paying his bills?
When is he going to get serious and start hacking at the military budget?
That's my point, not the plastic vs. paper debate. Rather, why is Trump micromanaging to this extent? With an Executive Order? Raise your hand...
The Senate offices are fielding 1,600 calls a minute, and they aren't congratulating Trump on all his "winning." (Usual phone traffic is 40 calls...
I'm wondering if Vegas isn't older than I imagined him.
"We care," Melania Trump declared in 2018 during a visit to Egypt as first lady to promote her partnership with the U.S. Agency for International...
Of course, no one's making a special trip to the beach to dispose of their plastic straws. I think it's more about biodegradable vs. here...
My straws are metal. Sometimes I don't even use a straw! :eek: