Lemons was referring to getting his redshirt applied after the new grace period...something to the effect of his last game (before getting shirted...
Yep. This, along with CK's graceful sidestepping of the question this a.m., paint a positive picture. Should be a good week.
It ain't happening without airport cam. Done deal.
Makes sense. Thanks for dropping the info for us to partake.
Sounds right. CK has had upper tier infrastructure for a decade, so I'm sure those demands are part of it. Then throw in UF paper trailing...
The System is still working the process.
One might think the length and complexity of the negotiations might mean CK is looking at the long term view here.
Ye Yep. No one has anything to report, so talking head hedge tweet stays. Think of it this way....they are also saying it could not fall apart...
Consensus was, no big when this was posted yesterday. Basically, no media is in the loop.
Stitham ran the "screw this, we're sucking, go deep bro"....
That it won't be happening during halftime.
Thanks for the info. Much appreciated. All the quiet is a good thing at this stage.
Always need one of the personalities arguing the other point. The bits don't work otherwise. Sports media 101.
Much easier to control because Kelly isn't coaching somewhere else currently. So unless the Kelly camp wants to leak for leverage, there aren't...
Lol. Yeah, he 'spoke to him', just like every other reporter and guy blowing up SS's twitter. CD out of loop, just like everyone else in media.
Sooo, both sides have reservations, but they are still pushing through a week of discussions? Seems too much time has passed for one party or the...
Can't imagine that, other than Sieder and Rumph, anyone is particularly likely to be asked to remain.
Not liking it (who really could?), and not being able to do it are different things. Assistant hires and UF's location mitigate much of it...
Not even sure why any of this would be surprising or alarming. There isn't anyone else on the radar to speak with for at least a week, and many...
Only problem is that unless he's got one of (apparently) a very few guys in the room as a source, there is no way he'd how far anyone is or is...