I can’t share much, but let’s just say our coaches are working hard. They are doing their homework and our in on some good players. Will be...
we shall see. Again several times we could of used better play from our 3 spot. Many times we could of used haugh there to steal minutes here and...
My point was there will be some minutes in games we will be undersized but that does not necessarily matter. Size at times is needed and at other...
about how many total minutes do you recall haugh playing the 3. For the entire season it was under 10. Let’s see what happens. Time will tell.
the giveaway here is how he really didn’t play the 3 at all this year. Almost zero minutes there. As a coach I can tell you if you think a guy can...
see my post above why this is not the case. We will play stretches with these two at the 4/5 A common mistake is forgetting that coaching at its...
Completely agree on Condon. You missed a couple of his strong points: he has amazing hands and plays super hard even when fatigued. He has a...
unfortunately even if he doesn’t go pro, which he most likely won’t. I would expect him to go somewhere else. Won’t get into who, but not UF.
Goldin is not coming to UF but our staff is working hard.
Not sure if your referring to the op when you say overreactions. The op is in fact the opposite of any reaction. They are coaching points that...
One other item that bears watching is can Pullin and Clayton be as successful and efficient offensively in a P5 conference. Pullin especially...
Pullin isn’t tiny, only Clayton is smaller. With that said I think last night Richard was active defensively when he first came in and made an...
Who is Hawk? Is that a nickname for Haugh or someone else? sorry yes lol. I call Haugh, Hawk. My nickname for him. My bad.
As a coach, it’s hard to watch our games and not get frustrated at how close we are to being a good team. There are some key improvements that...
Not sure the purpose of this thread. Is it to tell us that Pitino is a good recruiter/coach? As someone that has been involved at the highest...