I think you mean he hasn’t played a minute at the 3
this is not uncommon. When a recruit does enter the portal they have the option of selecting do not contact. Martin did it. The reason players do...
man would he be a good get for us. As it currently stands don’t know if we could add him and keep let’s say Richard when it comes to NIL. Also,...
In this I am very confident I know what Martin was told in terms of what to expect with us. I’ve said it in a few posts. He expects to be a...
So much of our team struggles vs pressure had more to do with the other four guys positioning as it relates to the ball than the primary ball...
Yes it can be like that. My guess is as of now Clayton would be our 1 and Martin our 2 with Aberdeen the main back up. All 3 will have...
correct he and Clayton won’t be splitting time. They will be on the floor together a ton and Clayton and he will be our lead guards similar to...
Agents aren’t just told what they need to hear. Agents are speaking directly with coaches and players and determining where these players end up....
One thing that you posters may want to know is last year Martin went to one of top guard camps in the country for college players. There is an...
aside from what gatorhoops said which is true. These are NBA examples and with Hall of Famers, my concern is the offense we have run since Golden...
I think the gators see Alexis as a 4 who can play 5 in a pinch. But he is short for a 5 in SEC. My guess is he starts game 1 as a 4. I know they...
I think he anticipates getting a chance to have high usage like Clayton and Pullin last year. And assuming Clayton comes back which is expected...
just so you know there are lots of people more tied in than any reporter. Reporters are fed stories. Coaches, agents, players and people close to...
I will say this if it played out how you predict Martin will feel the staff lied to him to get him. Fortunately I do not think you are correct. I...
Will Richard is a 3 for us and Brown is a 2/3 as a freshman. Also I will be surprised if Martin plays 0 minutes at the 3 next year. He has done...
I wonder if people realize that UConn has won back to back championships with Karavan at the 4. Guess how tall he is, 6’8. Haugh is 6’9. Karavan...
This is not accurate to the extent that this is a forgone conclusion. The staff is talking to 3’s to potentially bring in. Also, there are going...
can he? Absolutely. Will he. We will see. In order to play the 3 you have to practice the skills required to be the 3 and during team practice get...
One other thing on Martin for Gator fans to know, we were not the school that offered him the most NIL $. He came because he felt Golden did a...
it is my understanding that where we stand as of now is if there are no changes to our roster we do not have the money to go get a star transfer...