Holy Crap this is a SMOKESHOW
im going to get fired... im so far behind at work my boss is a UT fan -- not a good combo Listen up Score Strokeland -- give me what i want...
Twofify. I just wanted to be on twofify
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Florida update:<br>Stricklin wants to move quick.<br>Chip won’t last long...
seems that plane keeps getting delayed -- strikterland must be holding it up at the elementary school
Justin Fields would fit right in ........ would be nice to shove one up UGly's butt by stealing their prize recruit
SDS IS REPORTING Report: SEC clears Florida to potentially hire Chip Kelly...
I was wondering how many have hit the "start new thread" button already and have typed in "breaking news: CK hired" in a different window ready to...
I dont care if they wear the green uniforms every week as long as they are hanging 50
I think Chip Kellys name alone is good for a top ten class with minimal effort for a few years -- We hear about the recruiting machine that is...
If we hire Chip Kelly will DUCKS PULL TRUCKS then? too soon>?
I heard Jim Mcelwain