Pimple and Wing do not seem to share your optimism.
Strikeforce better not have been at that game. I want him busy 24/7 until this deal is done!
Do you put the needles in his buttocks or just fill the syringe with testosterone?
AD Stouffer is on the case. Let him do his job.
talk to your boyfriend
Apparently Stricklin doesn't yet know that Foley is the de facto whipping post for everything that goes wrong, could go wrong, or is suspected of...
This is a 4th Amendment issue. Stay out of my post counts!
Rounds out Rounds out
BAN EMOJI!!!!!!!
You should be limited to one 'best ever' per day. I find myself handing them out like candy sometimes.
Yes. Self evident. Only a moron says that.
Frost is starting to sound like an arrogant douchey mcdouche. let him stay at ucf and when Kelly arrives, get ucf on the schedule.
I don't remember plain, white, Arial font in the stadium.
Please practice safe sex.
poor grammar
Rack 'em.