The downsides here are the possibility of a lawsuit. Some man is going to lawyer up and make a killing and take one of these organization to the...
That is a great description of China. And their insanity and entitlement extends all the way to the ocean, space, and even the moon. World War...
Understanding the China threat requires analysts to see through the deception that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) advances to disguise its...
Is it me or is that John Hevesy in that video talking to the OL after the end of the play?
There are Christians in China, but that is despite the Chinese government. It is not because of it. China is an atheistic nation. You can pick...
They typically haven't invaded other countries, but China has never had the military might that they do now. Communism has largely been kept in...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon intends to load up on advanced missiles, space defense and modern jets in its largest defense request in decades in...
Majorly ignorant comment. China is the most dangerous foe we've gone up against in the world since Nazi Germany. They have developed the weapons...
China and Russia are now competing against each other in an unofficial arms race to establish nuclear dominance following Russia's departure from...