Should be able to post this also.
Should be able to post this.
That all makes pretty good sense. But couldn't we just have some foreign-born, unelected, racist, white supremacist scumbag tell us his opinion...
You're finally starting to get it. But, of course, for nearly every non-MAGA person in the country (that is, people who actually value the truth)...
No, this is not a thread about America's favorite con man, Felony Don. Although it really could be. It's about some of his far-right friends in...
Just part of the well-regulated militia.
Yeah buddy, that's why the "news" sources you watch consistently have to pay out settlements for knowingly publishing or broadcasting lies -...
Don't really know what your talking about, Bill. Oh yeah, you're quoting the lies of a grotesque liar who has no business being involved in any...
Oh, yes. Thank you, Trump/Musk shill. It is quite normal to grant an unelected non-citizen illegal access to all levels of government simply...
Agreed. [ATTACH]
bullDOGETY-DOGE is on it!!! bullDOGETY-DOO !!!!!!!!!!!!
It's hard to know in which of the numerous threads to put updates on the Trump/Musk/DOGE criminality.... Social Security head steps down over...
You finally add a comment after hundreds upon hundreds of drive-by neg ratings and it's .... this? Sad.
Oh, and again, yes; this vile individual should have absolutely nothing to do with any public actions or decision-making that affects anyone's...
Definitely DEI. Actually, wait. We'll have to see if our vile leader wants to blame this on minorities or foreigners. It will certainly be...
People like you are amazing.... You're so far gone and you don't even realize it. Literally shilling and excuse-making for every vile thing...
Not sure I agree. But maybe it's that after years of seeing him take credit for anything positive, whether he actually had anything to do with it,...
That's certainly a start. But yes, lying scumbags doing investigations of, well, every single thing, whether they're qualified or not, is ........
Probably aren't any that should be looked at by dishonest, lying, unelected bought-a-role-in-government Elon Musk. Maybe he could do electric...