The cult would rationalize it if the con man put Barron in charge of something. [ATTACH]
Yeah, sounds like definite qualifications for Deputy Director of the FBI.
Nope. Not even close. You can't even compare anyone else's lies to those of Trump, and now his surrogates, who are following his playbook. They...
Got any evidence for this lie you're trying to perpetuate? Ya know, when you encourage your fellow Trumpies to believe in lies, through your...
Federal employee. We're paying him to stay at home and drive by neg and question-troll people all day. Our tax dollars at work. Meanwhile...
MAGA doesn't mind being publicly lied to. They even repeat the lies. It's truly fascinating. Too bad they never come back and admit it was all...
Some radio hack who said nice things about Trump on his podcast? Awesome that that's all it takes to get nominated by Felony Don .... ..... and...
Did your doctor pop a malaria bill, mainline horse dewormer, and shove a UV light up their ass? Just trying to keep abreast of all your...
It's weird that it seems relevant to call them out for errors ..... .... when they don't mind plain old constant public lying. (wondering if...
Why do you Trumpies hate law enforcement? Oh, wait. Never mind.... [ATTACH]
The Federal Government under Trump appears to be an instrument of criminal coercion. Ric Grenell, a longtime ally of President Trump, said...
It will be interesting to see how important this is to the federal government, given that it appears that the currently most impacted areas are...
tHiS iS sO oUtRaGeOuS tHaT iM vOtInG fOr A fElOn RaPiSt!!
Do you think the left, including their elected leaders, will publicly lie about the election for four years and counting ...... like the liars you...
We shouldn't overlook an important point: Once Trump has the government fully stocked with his lickspittles, we'll see more headlines such as the...
Little Marco.
But we'll get some minerals. From Ukraine. Because we need them. A lot more than Ukraine does. It's not fair. To us.
Sorry, you were lying about vote totals. You were asked to substantiate your lie. Please stay on topic.
MAGA shames our nation. They'll pretend it's not happening though.
So you were comfortable with your political hero publicly telling racist lies?