I kinda feel like all of them since Spurrier, except maybe the last one, felt like this.
Oh snap! Did they offer Kelly too?
Exactly, or else a total embellishment.
I don't understand anyone who is. I feel like we went strong after this. If we are turned down, then just bring it the next time.
i disagree. There are ways to disagree with the premise of this thread, that Chip Kelly buzz is Hot, a done deal, etc without insulting Tilly and...
We don't always hire a great coach. God knows, we don't always. But when we do, we prefer Chip Kelly.
Ok, the details are shiftier than Kadarius Toney on rollerblades. From what I can tell, we had him last night. This is where I checked out....
What, are you a robot?
I saw the title update so I gotta check back in. What's New? Much better scenery today if nothing else.
Welp, this thread has gone to $#!+. What was once great, is relegated to the pimple fetishists. Catch y'all in the next Update: hot coach thread
Da plane! Da plane! [media]
Can someone remind me what we're not looking at?
We are through the looking glass here people!
So they flew an empty plane to an abandoned airport in New Jersey? Is this safe? I feel like we're either gonna hire a coach or solve the Hoffa case.
I bet Strictland is following to see if he is mentioned by name. So far, no.
No offense, but many of us realize this isn't a very good source of info.
That could be, but it runs contrary to the wild speculation made on this board and on twitter. If Kelly is actually hesitant, then I am fine...
Stricklin, make this happen. You've got to pull the trigger.
When do we grab pitchforks and TP someone's house? The OP promised us an unverifiable thing several times, with a fake plane to back it up, and it...