Maybe we’ll be a 7 seed!!!!!!!!!
6 - that’s more like it
I guess it depends on your definition of short leash - I saw it more of a cumulative frustration and dwindling support on the fan side over his...
Particularly in the first few minutes- got Tscewa off to his hot start- had no idea what he was trying to do
He did have 6 rebounds, but he’s taken 2 steps back after looking like he’d turned a corner in terms of his decision making on the court I’m in...
Conflicted - could Auburn possibly fall out of quad 1 for us? I know UK won’t drop below 75
Take him over Cal any day
We shouldn’t be behind Auburn We have the head to head Oh I see - was looking at losses
7 years
SPORT magazine’s preseason #1!
What’s the neutral criteria?
Actually like the 5 better Get a game against a lower seed team that should be tired from the night before- get our feet wet before the bigger games
Yeah, saw those, but overall , was thrilled with the officiating - game didn’t get out of hand, but they let a good bit of contact go, and the...
I clarified after rereading……
…..and I clearly said that I called myself out for a reactionary outburst in game. The NL comment was that as good as his shooting % was, he...
Just a perception - I acknowledge the reactionary nature, but I’m starting to get a Noah Locke ( he’s 40%, but just never seemed to hit the ones...
Agree re UGA on the road - feels like one that could tip the scales record wise Vandy x 2 Mizzou and LSU at home is “taking care of business “...
Have to admit - I vented earlier about Richard missing some good looks……