hey there's nothing wrong with getting paid to take a poo
but boobs!
What is the link to the can? I need to get in on this before the wife ends it for me
SOS on Finebaum coming up next
Dilly Dilly
Guys calm down, we got this! my best friend's brother's cousin works at Captain D's and he said AD Scott Summers came in this afternoon and...
Why would you do such a thing!
Target Aquired
If Sally Struthers can't seal the deal with Corch kelly, I think this guy would be a great 2nd choice [IMG]
I don't want your life!
[IMG] My face when I get an email from Gator Sportshop Online only to think it was the announcement
I got one laptop dedicated to #Kellywatch2017 and the other is vpn'd into work, guess which one is getting more attention
Mac will likely have double that when the Uhaul truck pulls away
Surely you can't be serious
I'll crack open an ice cold cool crisp refreshing bottle of Zuma and party like it is 1996 while reminiscing of when the scoreboard would be lit up
That tonight's going to be good night?
quick to the waffle house
Morning comrades, all is quiet on the northern front of Jacksonville. Does anyone know if Chip Kelly wants waffles or pancakes this morning?
BDL Bradley International Airport in Hartford CT.