His choice will tell you all you need to know about his primary motivation. If more money can draw away a man who is already rich, it tells me he...
Personally, I have backed away from the ledge and am ready to call CK Gator bait if he decides to wimp out and go to La La land. That would...
Good morning all. I see the morning shift is here and big boobs have already entered the discussion. You can always count on the gang at GC,
Try to go up I-4 from Orlando to Disney Springs at 5pm on a Friday. I've been on the 405 in LA. Orlando can be just as bad.
Oh I read the instructions. My mistake was being in a hurry.
Never EVER get that stuff on your private parts. It will have you burning for the next hour no matter what you do to get rid of it. Here's the...
At my age I live by two axioms: Never trust a fart and never pass up a bathroom.
That particular crap was NOT holy.
We're pacing ourselves.
What's yer 20 good buddy. wargunfan is 10-10 and on the side.
We just packed over 500 boxes at the church and delivered them to Operation Christmas Child. These gift boxes are the only Christmas for tens of...
The beaches in Cali are nice but that cold Pacific water will cause significant shrinkage.
If Chip Kelly likes living in New Hampshire why on earth would he like living id LA? That is one giant rat warren. The choice between LA and a...
This thread has got to continue until the official announcement of Kelly's hire. By that time we'll have over two million views and 25,ooo posts....
What better time to announce the hiring of Chip Kelly than this weekend. We play FSU and the Iron Bowl can't compete with the interest in that...
If it was as simple as "I want to coach the Gators." Chip Kelly would have already signed on the dotted line. I think that's a given. UF is in the...
Buddy Martin say (correctly) that Florida fans are on the ledge over Chip Kelly. Says there will be a backlash on Stricklyn if Kelly is not hired.
Buddy Martin now on the Finebaum show talking about ambushing Stricklyn up in Ocala. Says Kelly still very much in the picture. Says the UCLA...
It is hilarious to watch this thread's estimation of the worth of Chip Kelly as a football coach and a person alternate between the answer to all...
They didn't look too happy.