In for 400.
See you fockers at 400.
Watching replays of The Last Ship and we just blew up Ruskov's azz. .... Again.
Any more thread title changes and they'll be breaking the news on the Weather Channel.
Y'all stop that chit. I don't speak Mongolian. :(
Standing by aft with a heaving line and cutlass at the ready sir.
In for 350. Now's where is our new HBC.
Sitting here watching "What On Earth" and if a whole d@mn lake can disappear overnite we should be able to sign a coach in two friggin' weeks.
Hell, I've undone so many mistakes you'd think I knew Jesus. Oh wait.....
Can we please get a little more space between the rating icons for us fat fingered peeps. Damn tired of hitting that red X by mistake.
4 for 4 from 3 pt. I know not a game thread. :oops:
Lol. I actually remember watching that back in the day.
300. Tada.
Sad that after looking for an announcement of our new HBC for what seems like forever I've lowered my expectations to just looking forward to...
If we don't get a coach soon I'm gonna go to the woods and kill sumpin'
Ahh that would 275.
I believe it was handjobs so get a grip.
After giving a week of my life to this rollercoaster I feel drained. Is it 5 o'clock somewhere yet?
Wow 250 eh? Next stop, 300.