The FBI is investigating dozens of hoax bomb threats in swing states that appear to be concentrated in Democratic areas to suppress Democratic...
Who cares?
Morality is not limited to infidelity and sexual assault. I chose to address Trump's rampant criminality.
With Trump, nothing comes true. Just disappointment. [ATTACH] Just ask Bill Barr . . . . [ATTACH]
Trump didn't have his usual puffed out, fake bravado. He looked scared.
I was OK with your post until this absurd paragraph. "If they do step aside without any issue, then what that tells me and most Americans is that...
.As a reminder, most of Trump's top appointees during his term as President know he's unfit for office. [ATTACH]
As a reminder, the Russia...Russia...Russia thing that Trump mocks did indeed happen, as confirmed by the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee,...
False equivalency. Were Bill and Hillary on speed dial with Putin or meeting with him with no other U.S. personnel present or tearing up and...
Trump is getting pretty damn close. By the way, this is what the Nazi's said about the Jews. He's also called for a day of violence, like the...
Misogynist. Degenerate. This says more about YOU than her. You are posting AI porn of the Vice President of the United States. No wonder you...
Let me guess . . . you think the criminality of the Republican candidate for President is irrelevant in a discussion of morality in the Oval...
Trump's words are all bullsh*t! [ATTACH]
If Trump wins, we as a nation will never hear the truth from this President. We'll be fed nothing but LIES. And his spineless Republican...
Trump monitoring an election in the name of integrity. [ATTACH]