Wasn’t a joke, but clearly I know very little about the Colorado incentives for EVs. The incentives stacked on top of the federal incentives are...
It’s remarkable how backwards society / case law in certain states had this issue a few decades ago. Unrelated, but the California law that...
Those are all fair points, and doubt it is a total scam. Colorado probably has some crazy incentives on top of the federal ones, the video...
OMG. I know exactly how they are going to make money on that. “Dent and Ding”. It will be in the fine print of the contract and a minor scrap on...
If Noam Chomsky praised the Moon of Alabama, then all of us are wrong and Assad wasn’t torturing his citizens or using chemical weapons despite...
I never claimed he had the facts or law on his side, haha. A jury convicted him in a civil court of grape (what the kids call it on social media...
Big win for Trump. I’m no Trump fan but calling this as anything else is denying the truth. This gives Trump sooooo much leverage to say the main...
This response degrades the quality of the discussion. I’ve posted my view on Musk’s comments (and if the original quote deserves a Pinocchio...
His description of the issue is simply disgusting. Period full stop. Anyone with an alcoholic or addict in the family realizes that it is a...
The mainstream / traditional / old school digital media (YouTube) isn’t giving this story the credit it deserves for God knows whatever reason....
Not to turn this into a Trump thread b/c what is happening in Syria is an extremely significant historical event regardless of anyone’s politics...
That is what has me scratching my head. Why did he not toss the ghost gun? Why was he dumb enough to take his mask off in a McDonald’s? I would...
That is moronic. ISIS was an offshoot of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, which was in constant battles with US forces. America backed the FSA (which was a weak...
Quote in the WSJ from a fruit vendor in Damascus. His oxymoron is probably spot on. “It all feels like a nightmare, yet you remind yourself it...
Having spent my entire career in private equity, I still absolutely agree with this statement. Hospitals too. Won’t happen though.
I fell asleep after the female fight (which was top tier). Woke up this morning to my Netflix still buffering in the 1st round, haha....
I took a shift in my personal portfolio when I saw the founder of Carlyle recommend bank stock over energy stocks if Trump won. He wasn’t wrong…...
I think it was the most predictable thing ever. Trump appointing loyalists to Trump is the only thing that could be guaranteed. I don’t think he...
Same thing that makes high functioning alcoholics work, tiger woods dominate golf while sleeping with 15 women on ambien, gambling addicts that...
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