In another thread, if I understood his post, ocalaman mentioned lack of insight into SW's inside the parker. I highly recommend Matt Highlights #2...
Believe what you will. The weather app on my phone showed there was a 2% chance of rain in GVL at noon today. I'm a big believer in Occam's Razor....
So, in an ongoing regional tournament, the NCAA decides to assist the USA v. FGCU game winner by moving the Sunday game time four hours? Wouldn't...
Assuming a 9:30ish start to the USA v. FGCU game, they'd need to play well past midnight for weather to be an issue. For the record, I'm good with...
I'll say rain around 4:30 coming from the west. Cakes and I can't both be right. I have no problem being wrong.
So, no Sidearm Stats? Like there aren't already enough reasons to loath the NCAA.
For Hoyt233 et al. that have wondered in the past. GC posts are off by two hours. Maybe the server GC uses is located in a Mountain Time Zone?...
A must watch. D1 Softball Podcast With Florida Softball streamed 05/15. If you weren't already in love with #18, you will be after watching this.
Please let this die. Not even the "they're just having fun" works with this one. I have a flashback to that embarrassing Rally Cup from the 2017...
So, BM reading cards and viewing multiple screens with stats prepared by a staff of researchers qualifies as "most prepared"? I wrote her off for...
As has been mentioned recently. The vast majority of the posters to this thread are the most respectful on GC. And very thought provoking. There...