Or as Yogi put it. Deja vu, all over again.
Einstein's definition of insanity...
Careful there GatorLurker. In case you didn't know, 14's Dad is an attorney. And, as we've seen lately, the judicial system protects their own.
Assuming the header at the NCAA Baseball MCWS site is correct. Also, since the Gators will need to win two games against TAMU. The Gators will be...
Glad 14 got that out of the way. Later tonight should be less stressful, for sure.
Ahead in the count walk, and ahead in the count homer. SMH!
My son texted me giving me props for suggesting to him they move 14 to leadoff. Zero chance I tell him I ripped that off from here.
It's been a while since I've posted it. But, thanks Gatorgal04 for everything you do. You just keep chopping wood, while some of us are...
For some perspective. And I'll continue to beat this drum. Regardless of the sport, good coaches have good players, and great coaches have great...
So, I gave my first ever off-topic today, which was tongue in cheek. That poster then went back to a post of mine from early in the thread and...
I'd be shocked if 14 ever throws another pitch in college. Regardless of how many more games the Gators have left.
6-7-8 for NCST in the 8th. A crooked number at the top of the inning, and a 1-2-3 inning in the bottom would be huge.
Is that Elli McKissock in the stands with Cags family? If it is, even more reason to dislike the guy. :rolleyes:
Tread lightly fellow heretics. Talk of situational small ball, and line drive inducing at bats, could get you exiled to Elba. What do you think...
Just got in after a redeye flight returning from my twin Niece and Nephew's college graduation. After reviewing this thread, have I missed...
It's always interesting how, post-game, there are a handful of people that were never worried during a game. That knew all along the Gators would...
It appears Bakich didn't make him self clear enough to the pinch runner.
20 K's. Let that sink in.
Sean Kelly thinks Robertson missed second base. The way this day has gone, that would be about right.