The SCOTUS got it right. Abortion is not a constitutional right. It belongs in states jurisdiction as any fool can see.
Kavanaugh's concurrence sums it up nicely: quote: On the question of abortion, the Constitution is therefore neither pro-life nor pro-choice. The...
That TD pass to Pitts couldn't be defended.
Gawd I HATE these close games - Hahaha Can you believe a Gator coach would/could RUTS?? - Hahaha
Hahaha - Gotta love all the sour grapes on this board! It's called MAGA people!
The woman lied, plain and simple. If you've seen a picture of her at 15 yrs old, you can honestly say no one, but no one, could have sexual...
50 - 48! YEAH!! Making America Great Again, one socialist defeat at a time!
Come on people! BK clearly said: "I did not have sex with THAT woman" What's not to believe?
"Presumption of innocence" ; "Unsubstantiated allegations" ; The anti-American democratic socialist party is an embarrassment
The liberal democrats would like nothing better than for people to be guilty of their trumped up allegations until proven innocent so they can...
GOP just trying its best to steer this country away from liberal socialism which is the goal of the democratic party.
Looks like forked tongue Ford's gig is about up.
Dr. Ford is just a lying puppet for the liberal socialistic democratic party. Praise be to honest people like Trump.
This woman is such a liar and that fact is becoming clear to all observers.
Kananaugh was truthful. The only lies in this hearing were told by Ford.
Great day for truth and the GOP! The liberal socialists (democrats) and their lying Ford were exposed big time today. Shameful of them, shame on...
"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."
WOW! Ford and the liberal socialist democrats are getting destroyed! Ford's lies are now obvious to all!
And her name is Ford
Kavanaugh said: "I did NOT have sex with that woman." Sounds good enough for me. Boetch be lying!