A squibber to Mia, she underhanded to first. Two down
1st hitter with K
Mia grounds out hard to 3rd base 9-1 UF after 4. Anybody hear run rule?
Cahalan follows with double in LC gap
Comia with a 2 run blast well over RF fence. A no doubter second she hit it!
Jocey with blast in LC gap bounces off wall. RBI double
Otis with W
Schumacher with hard go second to first
Confirmed Kendra called out
81 degrees here, feels like about 90 in the sun! Ocala may need to finish if I pass out!
Kendra hits pop to backstop netting. Being reviewed to see if caught before hitting netting
6-1 UF bottom 4. A coach next to me just commented Belaire getting beat up behind home plate. It’s going to be a baptism of fire looks like.
K looking for out 3
Then a basehit. 1st and 2nd
Next batter walks
Ground ball cue shot to first went out of bounds and came back. Lots of spin. 1 down.
Hammock still throwing 65mph. Still bringing it.
Holtorf with an infield pop out for out three. 6-1 UF end 3
Bellaire looking way overmatched strikes out looking after a couple swings
Mia smokes line drive under glove of diving LFer. Run scores. Pitching change