Cahalan walks on 4 pitches
Walsh with double in gap. RBI
Pitcher being very careful with Jocey. She hits a 3-2 pitch through infield for hit
Otis strikes out on a 50 mph change. This young lady mixing her speeds well and locating
Schumacher strikes out looking.
9-5 UF bottom 6
Fly out to left. No damage
Another ground ball Holtorf goes to first for out. Two down, runners second and third
Hot ground ball back to mound, Ava threw a bullet right on money to second and MIA dropped it!
Ava walks next batter
Another squibber to Mia, one out
9-5 top 6 UF Ava Brown in relief
Kendra makes it 3 go for inning
Holtorf with the go.
That would be a great idea!
McClellan grounds out
She’s getting eaten up with a lot of low pitches from Kara. Not all her fault but let’s say come conference schedule Jocey better be ready to...
Final strike but passed ball and then another passed ball and then a three run homer. No run rule for now! 9-5 UF end of top5.
Sounds good, thanks man!
Hey Ocalaman. How about taking over play by play against Michigan. I’ll try to add a little color. My finger about to give out!