Golden said Haugh hits threes with regularity in practice. I would order Haugh to take a three at the first open opportunity in every game!...
Colin picked a bad week to fracture his wrist. (Airplane reference :cool:) According to the article, Lakers coach Ham was considering putting...
KJ's Top Ten play was in a G-league game.
A Keyontae Johnson dunk was the #3 play in the SportsCenter Top 10 plays last night.
That was my impression too that he was pulled after passing up on an open 3-point shot. I also have the impression he does better when he's more...
Yeah, I thought he helped us tonight.
I'd like to see Condon be more aggressive in looking for his shot at times. He seemed more aggressive to me earlier in the season, and usually...
I told some friends early this season (after Pullin debuted) that I liked the looks of our team this season primarily because we had 4 bigs that...
That was the only somewhat distressing aspect of the game: how Tchewa on offense was both overpowering and outmaneuvering several of our bigs in...
Saw a boxscore where CC got in another Lakers game this week and scored 2 points. He's hanging in there it seems, but I don't always see him on...
Agreed! Hill was definitely the difference in that game. Got to hand it to him, he was a great player. I think he would have been one of the...
I'll be glad when that Johnson kid (#0) for Auburn is gone. He's one those players that's always hurling himself into defenders and getting what...
Yes, I was wondering that myself.
I always argue for Calathes as one of our best PGs ever, but he's not very popular around here.
My only heartburn was with our inability to rebound Auburn's missed free throws. :rolleyes:
After watching today's game, I think A&M is another SEC team we're clearly better than. :cool: (I'm not joking, btw.) So, yeah it hurt to lose...
Can I assume the numbers have improved somewhat recently? :cool:
A lot of big (good) plays to recall. The play (actually 2 plays) that stuck out to me most was Clayton's block of a Reeves layup on one end and...
Agree with your description of NBA play, but I give our very own Jason Williams (and Webber's, and maybe some others on those Sacramento teams) on...
Thanks! I had to look up Hakeem Pct. So, it's the combination of Steal Pct and Block Pct? Learned something new. :cool: