I would like to introduce you to a word: "LEVERAGE".
He needed to fill air time, and not answer the question. What else would he talk about without agreeing or denying?
Go Shands! Go Gators!
As matter of fact, I have read more negative chatter about Frost coming to UF, even though the regular season is not over, than anything about...
Completely agree with that part. No sauces, just logic. Weeks of Chip Kelly talk and no denials. At the very least it implies the parties are...
I think the biggest down fall are two words.... "DONE DEAL". Stop calling negotiations / vetting / back and forth discussions as "DONE DEAL". The...
Has anyone seen Chipster pop up on ESPN last couple of days?
I'd hate to see what happens here if we realize Chipster is not going to be our coach.
Why on earth do they need to vet assistants? Is Chip so high and mighty that he will not join UF unless they hire specific assistants? I mean I...
... or he could just fix UCLA.
I respect you trying to give us as much information as possible. My question is, last weekend, you were all over the board reporting that Chip...
Weekend is here. If we don't hear something tomorrow, then we can say their sources have been off, as we have been told at MOST by the end of the...
you could tell all that from that grainy dark feed?
No way an announcement comes after season. No reason to delay, much to lose.
Does it offer two day Chip Kelly delivery?
I donno about you, but for me, a deal is not done until the contract is signed and finalized...
We've been told "done deal" for days now. Now we are back to "finalizing deal"?
Video down ...
Video is legit, question is who these people are? This is Chip's agent: [IMG] http://www.athletesfirst.net/
I hope the title does not go from "BLAZING" to "smoldering" today... feeling pessimistic all of a sudden.