Chip Kelly has a history of flip flopping on coaching decisions:...
And can we all please stop with the "Chip or Bust" type of rhetoric. I don't think we should handcuff him, but given his NCAA show-cause, he...
On the other hand, while it looks like our chances with Chip Kelly have dwindled, I don't think we should count him out yet. I'd wait for an...
Please point to the attitude that rises to the point of "trolling" in any of my posts. Many who simply have been pointing out other outside...
So I guess we can finally stop calling people who were skeptical about all the "Chip Kelly done deal" reports trolls?
This is Stricklin's first hire, he understands that he has a lot to prove. If he does not get Kelly or Frost, it is because he could not get them...
They probably do know this, but given Kelly's history, they probably want to have some close oversite, or to have someone on the staff that is...
I don't know. Till this very minute it seems like they are very confident that Chip Kelly is coming this way, awaiting an announcement. From the...
The fun part about all this, is it won't be long anymore before we find out who is right and who is wrong. The excuses for not announcing Kelly...
SOS was coach till 2001. Qualifies as early 2000s.
Of course that is given. But the question is why would they be telling yahoo sports they will start widening their search if the "deal is done"?
Do you have anything interesting to add?
Not sure if you have been following, but this entire thread is practically discussing rumors, positive or negative. We've been jumping on positive...
Well they claim to have "sources" telling them they are getting ready to widen the search. If a deal is done, why would anyone tell them that?...
"Florida officials remain engaged with Chip Kelly about becoming the next football coach of the Gators, but the school is preparing to widen its...
So basically he is confirming that it is up in the air and nothing is signed. FWIW.
Why would an announcement now vs next week make any difference on Chip's pocket? If he signed the contract yesterday, then the timing...
Yea I watched that video. I don't recall SS confirming anything about Chip. We all know he met Chip, there is no other reason for him to be in NH....
I watched the live feed, Stockton confirmed nothing. We are all certain he was meeting Chip Kelly, he did not confirm it though. You are right...