Thank you, concerning, if true. Now, to show balance and fairness, it would be appropriate for you to list Trump's and his family's questionable,...
You regularly come up with the most......uh, interesting....posts. I'm curious, what are your factual sources for this post?
It's frankly disgusting how many folks in Florida have REPEATEDLY given Slim Shady a pass on his reprehensible shady dealings. He's not the first,...
That is an uncontested fact to those outside the MAGA Cult.
You make good points.
Free speech is not unlimited. Whether this is a proper limit remains to be seen. Personally, I found that social media was the devil, containing...
Thanks. Reading that, one is also most transported back to those times. My wife and I visited Greece for two weeks twenty years ago on a...
Who was "little Miss Curio"? Wikipedia left no clue.
Who the heck is PrezBO?
You're absolutely right to point that out, and I regret that I didn't. I'll be more careful and use the term Judeo-Christian values henceforth.
Well, take out with certainty. We can be certain of nothing when it comes the existence of a god. I should not have worded it that way, but my...
Ah, g8orbill again showing his true colors with his come on man.
I read that article this morning, and it's my point of view as an agnostic as well, and I do my best to live by Christian values. Unfortunately,...
"Never"? The use of that word in this context suggests a closed mind.
I knew that would be your response! You miss a lot because facts evaporate when they come into contact with your brain.
Just as the House GOP killed the 2013 Bipartisan immigration bill. Most everyone else will see a pattern here.
Given today's vastly better technology, there is no reason nuclear reactors shouldn't replace fossil fuels. We know why the aren't. The fossil...
Your are looking at things through partisan lens, though you may think otherwise. Read each report and judge each on the merits, i.e., on the...
Who is this liberal you’re bemoaning?
Then you would have bitched about democrats throwing the country into financial turmoil.