How does one prove they are innocent of fabricated charges that did not occur 36 years ago? Is this the old prove a negative?
That it’s interesting the three ladies who leveled allegations are lefties.
None of the claims are credible.
What’s interesting about all of this is allegedly, Kavanaugh only messed with liberal democrats. Go figure.
One can’t recount minute details when there are none. It’s very difficult to know details of an event that didn’t occur.
Of course ….. that's how she's playing it. Too bad there's nothing to support her allegation It's likely she never want anonymity ……. that was...
I doubt a person who drank as much as Oak and others allege ..... would have the capacity to qualify them for the SCOTUS and age 50. It's my...
Two men tell Senate that they, not Kavanaugh, assaulted Ford Two men have come forward to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to claim that...
Wow ….. an honest liberal??? Man apologizes for making false allegation against Kavanaugh A man apologized on Twitter for making a false...
Oh hell …. just get everyone involved to DC and have 7 weeks of testimony over this nonsense. Why not …… why not more leftie lunacy??!!
It's quite easy for her to "get it wrong" considering "what's on the line" and the leftie insanity involved in stopping the Kavanaugh vote....
Wow ...... afraid of flying? A psychologist??? That’s just funny.
Don't entirely disagree but ………………. the accusers (esp Ford) should have gone to the entities with jurisdiction over such matters and not to...
But he only does it to drunk liberal democrat psychologists who can't remember what really happened to them.
Years ago = 6. ...... not 36. It’s quit probable she experience nothing as claimed and is fabricating this detaiks if her allegation for...
I disagree with you first paragraph. Shoot, just looking at the nature and background of the political hacks lining up to advise Ford reeks of a...
I wonder if Judge Kavanaugh is the first person in history deemed guilty of sexual assault based only on “statistics”?
Probably so there could be no investigation but the dems could make political hay out of the Senate Judicial Committee not allowing an independent...
Funny Informative Agree Fistbump Wish I would have said that! Best post ever!!!!!