Anyone wanting any sort of investigation of this matter can thank Diane Frankenstein for that not happening. The moron should have sent the letter...
Oh but yes he does, especially when so many willing to fry Kavanaugh...... simply found no issue with allegations against Clinton. Heck, many did...
Actually, to correct your recollection … you posted @ 678: "Victims of sexual assault are not likely supporters of the crotch grabber in chief....
Not deflecting ….. just reminding liberal partisans (both proclaimed and closet) that they once had no problem with actual sexual improprieties...
…………. and who's a conservative-hating leftie or "never trumpster" suffering from TDS ….. and now KDS. :D
Willie J Clinton? Hey …. I've an idea …… the American left should get Kieth Ellison to represent Ford in this matter. Let him present her case...
He did ……… "Brett Kavanaugh and I were friends in high school but I do not recall the party described in Dr. Ford's letter. More to the point, I...
Well, now that she raised the allegation …. I hope she does accept the invitation to testify as to her "truth" …. the "truth" as per a California...
C'mon ….. several women did this as regards assault and rape by Willy Clinton …. and you people claimed they were whores and liars. Don't be so...
So because she's willing to level this allegation ….. she has to be telling the truth?
It's lunacy ….. and not surprising given who's involved.
People open themselves up to that sort of "exposure" every day …. for a variety of reasons.
I don’t think this will have any negative impact on her. She will be a hero to the left regardless of the outcome. In fact, if Kavanaugh is...
But, the truth is the truth and it shouldn’t take more than a week to figure that out. Anyway, just read the letter to the committee, that tells...
And …. what if she was not? What then????? How does this matter get put back "in the can"? The manner in which this issue is being handled is...
So …….. if the allegations against Kavanaugh can't be proven …. what should happen to the woman who levelled the charges … and those that assisted...
So … as described in "the letter" I guess the allegation would be classified as Sexual Offense - Fourth Degree – any of the following: Engaging...
As some may be doing as regards Kavanaugh. You should be able to admit that the allegation of improper sexual behavior almost 40 years ago comes...
I think KDS has surpassed TDS for the vast majority of those wallowing in the morass of American liberalism.
Nah …. this is just more leftie ridiculousness. They're pissed (a) their gal lost to "the Donald" … and (b) Trumps going to add conservative to...