Need the OL to get nasty for about 5 or 6 minutes here.
Come on Swamp, get loud!
Good kick! We needed that for sure.
We need a score here!
It’s always great to be a Florida Gator! Omaha here comes the Gators!
I think I’ll take Emmett. But, I think James Jones needs a spot on the list.
Chauncey!!! What a way to finish your Gator career!
The stink of the last 2 coaching staffs is completely gone after this game. It’s hard to believe how far these guys have come in less than 1 year.
DAGGER to the #1 Defense in CFB!
Say what you want about FF. But he’s as tough a player as we’ve had in a long, long time.
A walk-on in for mop up duty. It’s Great to be a Florida Gator!
Need a TO here.
I don’t think it was weaseling out, Mac violated his contract, and should face consequences over it. What happens if the next coach pulls some...
I’m confident that none of our paid coaches are speaking to Franks.
Not sure what your angle here is other than to bash UF. McElwain was shown the door for cause, good cause. If he hadn’t stuck his foot in his...
Yeah, I’m sure of it. UCLA is more committed to FB than we are.... funniest thought yet.
Can’t give a guy with NCAA issues total control. And definitely can’t guarantee buyout $$ if fired with cause.
This post makes no sense. UCLA has not been a serious FB school in a long, long time. As some have said here, they don’t even have their own...
I’m not the biggest Foley fan, but saying the guy was awful is just denying the facts. He was in charge while we won 3 FB NC’s and 2 in BB. He...