Nope. A divorce has to be final first. Then a lawyer writes the QDRO. Then a judge reviews it. Then he approves it. Then it goes back to the...
Huh? My 8 yr old has seen that. The book series is old...but the movie is from 2005.
It's not. It's just a number. I'm old and I know it LOL
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I'm 42.
Yep!!!! So my age is....
Use a roaster. I baste mine with a mix of melted butter, chicken stock, white wine. Sucker comes out golden brown and practically falling apart....
I am the answer to life, the universe...the answer to the ultimate question... ;)
Agree. I mean he's even tried to give it to me flat out. No arguing. He fully agrees. Still won't let him. Ugh.
Oh don't get me wrong. He's paying child support fully. And I did let him squirm a little when the judge told him how much he owed. He looked...
My hair isn't that long or saw the pic LOL I'm just me :)
Kind of...they turn emerald green when I'm mad/riled up LOL. My parents call them mood eyes.
I give up 1000/mo in alimony so he can live close enough to help if needed. We did our divorce ourselves. No lawyers other than the QDRO & only...
The extent of the blond highlights are not real but my natural hair has some blond to it/light brown base. It came in darker after chemo.
Not all ex wives are like that.
I wish I was that hot!! LOL. Besides I'm blonde ;)
Blonde ;)
Who's playing me?
Happy Birthday (early ;) )
Well...701. Oh well...aiming for lucky 777?