Here we go...
We swung, we missed. Someone start the Charlie Strong thread. o_O
I'm sure they have a message board where you could get exciting info such as: Done deal Book it 6 years, 4.5M/yr 5 years, 10M/yr Check it out...
Gang if we brought the big guns out, and did not come back with a comment, I would start to hone in on the next choice. I fear the writing is on...
Dude if Chip is not hired... this board will put that board to shame.
They don't, this is just an unsubstantiated rumor that everyone is clinging to. To recap....Zero verifiable sources say he is coming.
Timeout, then a false start following said timeout.
Did you try Grinder, I have heard that is good.
Well if we have not heard anything by now.... it wont be this week. It takes a while to assemble media and what not. I am personally thinking...
Wish I had more info. Co Worker says it has UF tail number and flight plan is blocked. Complete hearsay on my part. But if y'all are board...
FWIW people are tracking this plane...
Note to OP: Change tread title to lukewarm.
Bold prediction: No announcement today. Bolder prediction: No announcement this week or next week.
I will summarize everything for you. Lots of people want Kelly, others want Frost. Zero reputable sources say he is coming, however a bunch of...
9 more to go....MEOW!
I'm out until this thing hits 300 or we have a coach announced. My sources* tell me it's Strong FWIW. * My sources have sources that have no...
Preferences-Style-UI.X Custom.
I am up to 91% sure we are being trolled.
89% sure we are all being trolled right now.