I bet we see a lot of these T shirts in the UCF section on 10/5. Ugh.
38 - 24 Good Guys (I would normally expect something like 45 - 3, but not feeling it)
Boy that jet lag is nasty stuff
WOO HOO 0 and 2!!!
First down! That should about do it!
Totally agree. Don’t we say 5 = 1!?!
Yessir! That’s what I’m talkin about!
BC needs to run clock, get 7 and grab MO back in the fourth. Time to retake control!
WOO HOO!!!!!
It’s lunacy. Reminds me of that absurd RB rotation that Mullen used.
I’ve had my tv on mute the entire time. Not listening to that annoying nonsense
BC lookin pretty good on Ron Zook Field so far!
Another 3 and out for the Holes
Touchdown BC!!!
It has to be long so he can get down to the basement. Oh wait… that’s us, not him.
I don’t think there are basements ANYWHERE in Florida…(???)
That was very funny! Also liked the surprise Vandy entrance to the party. Good start for 2024 SEC Shorts!
This sums it up pretty well. I like CBN as a person but he is def NOT an SEC caliber HC. Looks like we suffer through another failure - maybe SS...
Kudo’s to ThePlayer for an amazing thread! I loved every day. This took a LOT of work and dedication. Thanks so much Now let’s go kick some U a$$!
Mertz to Chim - 12 yards for the score!!