Only drawback from the loss is actually playing the game and having to travel for Friday night sec game. At best it provides a mental reset. I do...
Needed to happen. This is a good loss.
On the Williams girl: Take the growing pains/learning curve all day with this player. She is close just a little longer. Tim knows it. The at bat...
"Bold move cotton" Great movie nice quote.
What he said^
2nd base: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.......given the reps will be elite. 3rd base: This freshman has the ability to be...
Agreed. These girls fight hard. They give a significant amount of their childhood yes childhood years crafting their skill and give everything...
"Wallace is good but I wouldn't describe her as a game changing player." She is clearly a game changer. Brings tremendous anxiety/pressure at bat...
Crow was good last night. Used a little leftover chicken rub and put in the deep frier. Hard to chew with foot in my mouth though. Good job ladies!!
Thanks. Been around years just tend to read more than post. I remember all those keyboard jockeys calling for Tim's head. I defended him. All...
I think LSU jumps on Florida tonight. Not a bad thing it's good experience. This will only help our young pitchers the remainder of the year. Go...
Folks it's called pedigree!! What does a good basketball coach tell a shooter in a slump, keep shooting!! Williams girl will be fine. When she...