Yes, that definition and more is it exactly. You pinned it. I too, battle some of those unwanted tendencies, but until now never had a need to...
And a Merry Christmas to you, gaterzfan. What translation did you quote?
A particularly odious man
Chanukah works, too.
Wishing You All a Joyous Christmas and a Prosperous and Peaceful 2025. "Peace on Earth to Men of Good Will."
This thread is as good as any Too Hot thread to post on the subject of schadenfreude, an attitude shared in the extreme on this forum. The...
There's always more to a story...:ninja3:
Pretty much...
testis | Etymology of testis by etymonline Entries linking to testis testament (n.) late 13c., in law, "last will, expressing the final...
“Testify” Comes From the Latin Word for Testicle "In ancient Rome, two men taking an oath of allegiance held each other's testicles, and men held...
Our word testimony is derived from the ancient practice of the witness, or one making an oath, to place his hand "under the thigh", a euphemistic...
And I can post how the Hebrew word for Noah's ark - teivah - also means word or container in Hebrew.
With all the subtle linguistic nuances entailed, it most definitely belongs on this forum. I look forward to reading and possibly contributing...
William Wolfe authored the Christian Post opinion piece published in February, 2024. William Wolfe| Christian Post William Wolfe previously...
It's inhuman.
Matthew 27:35 ...And when they (Roman soldiers) had crucified Him, they divided His garments among themselves by casting lots. Luke 23:34......
No. Twenty eight year old Audrey Hale was the killer of 3 children at the Covenant School in Nashville a few years back. She was a former...
Could be because the MAGA types are already there churning up the murky shitty silt.
Speaking of intellectual dishonesty, the argument 'everyone knows', a fallacious and juvenile spiel parents are familiar with. "Everyone knows...