He's a festering wound, the major symptom indicative of a great sickness inflicting us for a number of self defeating reasons. If there was ever...
I won't quibble with that, he was popular for a reason. Trucker sat next to him on a flight from NY to LA sometime after Caddyshack was...
You're correct in your observation 'the rating isn't important,' but his predictable clicks are sourced from an endless passive aggressive...
Don't call me. If I decide I need to contact or speak with you, I will call you.
Your quips and one liners have a Rodney Dangerfieldesque quality about them. What was his usual line of summation? Oh yeah, "I don't get no...
He no longer wanted to deal with the insults and the perpetual lies that intentionally or ignorantly flood this forum. One of our Too Hot...
//stupid comment and how can an OP be rated 'off topic'?
Dear God, what have we come to?! Trump $2 Bill - (U.S. Genuine Legal Tender) | eBay [IMG]
The quoted post has no place on this thread and I refuse to quote it in it entirety out of respect for the deceased. I hope it, and this...
Amen ~ thank you, Tilly Jimmy Carter made errors during his presidency as all our presidents have during their respective terms, but never -...
MY previous response to your post was deleted because I apparently broke a forum rule by mentioning the name and political affiliation /...
I'm reasonably sure @GatorJMDZ inadvertently typed in an alternate spelling of Too Hot's g8orbill when underscoring the question he quoted.
[IMG]surprised face in mirroe
It seems a way to avoid unacceptable cognitive dissonance. What are you doing?
Putting this self revelatory statement under the focus of another current thread speculating on the survival of our democracy without the...
That "girl" advancing through the window into restricted space was a 35 yo woman who should have known better. Babbitt was an unstable, impetuous...
In the past 25 years I've studied several of the world's religions, some intently, ultimately returning to the faith of my fathers and mothers,...
Though not as offensively rogue as some clandestine subversive maneuvers conducted in previous years.
The answer to your question is found within this prayer - commonly known as The Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6:9-13 ~ “This, then, is how you should...
Presuming you are addressing me, my post had nothing to do with presidential politics. The thread does not require that red herring.