Former Priest and UF history professor Michael Gannon died in April 2017, only a few days before his 90th birthday. UF's Michael Gannon, who made...
I thought you majored in history at UF, then afterward attended Westminster Theological Seminary in Philly. ____________ Father Gannon died in...
There are 2 different Hebrew words for ark found in the original testament. The one for The Ark of the covenant - is aron - Strong's number H727....
Then here are some commonalities for you consideration. Hinduism is generally considered to be the world's oldest religion. It's the source of...
The information was given to me a year or two before I was asked to be moderator. This poster posts carelessly and his posts have brought trouble...
Trump is the anti-christ.
I would be very surprised if you passed the initial screening. Some years back I heard your original Orlandog8r username was reported to the FBI...
That's what they use to reduce the heavy growth along the banks of the Gunnison and Colorado Rivers here in Mesa County. A herd of about 100...
My sister-in-law, mentioned in earlier posts on this thread knows Caruso, told me a number of his friends, Republican friends, are urging him to...
It's a tough question for a confused situation. On the one hand she roomed with a biological female who had no idea she was transgendered, and...
You're a law unto yourself.
That mouth never fails to suggest a gaping anus. Always running, out of control spewing the latest foul logorrhea.
Yes, thanks.
My S-I-L's home in Brentwood was spared. The fires close to the area she lives have been contained. She is still staying with relatives in the...
I think you are right, Az. A beautiful area, it was. Came across this photo in the LA Times earlier today. Spoke to me of the capricious nature...
You are correct - I am NOT interested in suggesting to my s-i-l she hire an artist who apparently specializes in pastels (chalk for the...
Years ago there was a thread on Too Hot discussing the TV show' The View'. I clearly remember you posting you would not allow / permit that TV...
Only if you're healthy and living pain free...
Thanks for the suggestion, but it would never be the same. A portrait painted from a photo would never be the same as a painting of a living...
Why? Seriously, why does it thrill you to think Trump ''drives [libs] crazy"?