blah, blah, blah... You make at least one point I agree with whole heartedly. Most especially pinning the Democrat's loss on their propensity to...
Are you intentionally being obtuse? It seems so as the word retard or "retarded" in either is superfluous to the point of my comment.
Yeah, that too, as the words are essentially the same in this context as you know. Thanks for the reminder. Elon Musk: Trump must be elected in...
What is it that VegasBot likes to crow? Oh yeah, Accusation is confession.
Trump is the freaking antichrist. Rev 13:3 ... And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed....
Dyno, I'm glad to see you returned. You were absent so long I was concerned. And I will confirm what you said about security clearance measures...
Teeth must be dull; didn't even tear her pants.
I've been posting on this site for more than 20 years. The only other time Phil has absented himself for a notable length of time was after a...
Look who's barking. I think your bark is worse than your bite, but I suspect you slobber a lot when you are over heated.
Wrong GatorRade, beel. Exxon Scientists Predicted Global Warming in 1970’s How could any of you responding to this troll thread have missed...
The quoted post is projected proof of your own intractability.
Will the rest of us be able to forgive them...?
Yeah, all working together to Make America Grotesque Again.
Ignoring the law and established protocols sounds roguish. Birds of a feather...
An interesting take comparing Buddhist statues and paintings to Christian. Buddhists normally close or shutter their eyes when in a meditative...
This is inaccurate. The Christian celebratory ritual of the eucharist or communion is a symbolic re-enactment of the first Passover when the...
This was not a "grammar post", dear boy. Alternative spellings create confusion. It was a request for clarification in your intent, which you...
An old post, but only now getting around to reading this thread. As you are known to misspell words from time to time, would you to please...
Incredible adjective 1. impossible to believe. "an almost incredible tale of triumph and tragedy" Similar: unbelievable beyond belief hard to...
I highly recommend this book ~ [IMG] Or perhaps this one ~ I have not read it but it appears it would be worth the time to read through it....