I recently started recording the show, but after watching several, deleted the remaining.
Thanks so much for posting this link pd.
Can't decrease, so gotta benefit
Would A&M actually pony up the $$$ for the buyout? Not sure
I cross 7s but not Zs. To each his own
We're all praying & hoping for your best outcome.
The dude that transferred to Virginia Tech, sorry can remember his name. Hyfinated last name?
Cancer SUCKS!!! Hope you heal and live a long, happy life.
Plausible deniability
You cut me to the bone on that Bourbon remark. Ever tried Woodford Reserve or Elijah Craig? Not the most costly but both very smooth, straight up.
Same as last year
Barkeep, make mine a Double
Drinking Bourbon as I type. Woodford
Dumb money don't make money.
We all know what happens when we hear these kinds of rumors... Stack the Box!!!
Who do you think I think I am.
I thought he was on the PSU staff, no? Nvm
I miss the shovel pass. And while I'm here how about a couple of Emery and Henry plays from time to time?
Could benefit from healthy nutrition with a big dose of Stength & Conditioning
Well deserved