I could swear it’s the job of the parties to win votes. Alienating every group outside of rural whites might not be the way to go.
Your response is the point..
Trump is really shilling for Putin almost verbatim at this point Bizarro world within the Republican Party
You know you’ve messed up somewhere when ideological purity comes before actually reducing what they consider “murder”.
Whether one agrees or disagrees with their move, threatening US companies isn’t part of free market Capitalism.
who’s the comrade? [MEDIA]
Definitely doesn’t want to be a dictator.. [MEDIA]
Summarized by the Daily Show [MEDIA]
Another take: Teamsters leadership refused to endorse Trump despite Trump's support from a majority (58%) of Teamsters.. It’s a contradictory...
Yikes [MEDIA]
Talk of a possible affair going on with Trump and Loomer, as she’s been spending a lot of time with Trump at Mar-a-lago. As for Greene, she’s...
My gf’s daughter (8 and doesn’t know of either) started watching and started laughing really hard, and said that the man sounds really stupid and...
double standards, as no one takes Trump seriously..
Hunter Biden has actually been more affected than Trump by “lawfare”.