Ty. I stand, or sit, corrected.
Let me rephrase. Not one that has been accepted or mattered. Pretty sure it’s 0/0.
Great run 1!!!
I’ll allow it
Officials are garbage
It was wide open. DJ missed. Will happen. He’s a true freshman. Worst take Ive seen in this thread.
Can someone with more FB acumen help me understand why we don’t try an outside run/pitch? Seems like it would be successful with how REFSu’s...
Yes!! And I didn’t have my special teams beanie on
Yea, I am gonna try to sync it to the WRUF App.
Hey guys, sorry if already answered but where do you guys stream play by play? I can’t tolerate these morons any longer.
Nice grab Burke!
I’m glad Johnson’s back but man I think I’d feeding Jackson/Baugh.
Defense is getting after it.