Just glad we are doing, to a poor defense, what we should offensively
Fun. We are playing with some tempo.
And….Mertz is back out. Makes sense
Watchin son! Gators on, I’m watching. 11-0, 0-11. Doesnt matter.
Was it just road games?
How bout a stop and another quick score??
There you go!!!
Glad to see Mertz back out there.
Jason Marshall is good
Leave Mertz In
Browns D back wears one. Looks hilarious.
So freakin good. Unreal how far we’ve fallen.
I appreciate the sentiment about today, but what does beating Samford tell us about whether or not we have any hope? This is a game our starters...
Looks like UK is back to OG UK.
50-0. As per my usual. One of these days I’ll be right and will feel like a genius!