Carelessness with the ball. Cmon boys!
Not blind. Stevie Wonder saw that.
Up and down?!?!
We ain’t losing to Georgia.
I’ve ordered a Mike White special. Extra sauce.
Not sure how it looks on TV but live we appear to be getting jobbed by the officials.
Brought the family to the game tonight. Feel like I need an extra bath before I crawl in bed tonight.
Hahahahahaha. Fat fingered it! Happens to da best of us Tilly
Hard not to see it as a dirty play. Don’t think he was trying to injure Condo but it was not a basketball move.
Pat Adams also
Ty. Do not move again.
Did you move in the last 3 min????? You better say yes and that you’re moving back to the computer!
Agree he contributes a lot but dang he looks lost a bit of the time and makes some curious decisions.
And the Aussie Open commercial. So annoying
They call it so quickly in college and H.S. Now. Don’t let them wrestle it out
We look so bad
9 min left. Hope that flagrant is a momentum shift.
Winner! Was a garbage pass! Get the yankey off the play by play! Now he’s talking about “clearing space” when Martin was hit in da naddage.