Bravo! Could not have said it better!
Gentlemen... All of us know that for over five decades, FSU has cheated, lied, deceived and slipped around the rules in playing NCAA football....
Yes...hmmm...yea... He looks like he went to FSU. (Whenever I see FSU fans out in public, they look like they went to FSU. Know what I mean? Am I...
Yes...those illustrious cow bells! This is a bit different though. At Starkville...they can go all out and shake them all they want. (I have been...
I agree with you. Beating them soundly on a regular basis would be a good start. But their use of that repeatable war chant has got to stop OR......
2oldgator... While yes, even though I can agree with you to a certain extent... beating their butts into the ground would certainly help in...
Here you have a school, a band and a band director that blatantly did not follow the clear protocol given to them. I have held back and honestly,...
Yea...and when they do, they want to tackle high and ride the ball carrier down. Frustrating!
I am not saying this about Kimber... But I have REPEATEDLY noticed TWO things this year on defense: 1. Our players are being taught to tackle...
Guys.... 1. I have been watching and reading this thread for three days now. 2. Been watching Gator Football since 1966. 3. Played at Florida...
And...totally embarrassing to say the least!
You beat me to it!!!
Hmmmm.... "portalling" that's a new term that I like.
One wonders of the number of Sports Journalists covering college football who do their best to disparage the University of Florida? I have seen...
I can attest that this is a fact. And, in all reality...let's see how the players in CFB handle playing 14, 15 & 16 games. The new playoff system...
I am sure many of us have come across this article recently. I want to punch the author in the face! Florida Football: Gators a ‘loser’ on and...
No long post here. Simply said: If the tackler takes out the ball carrier's source of balance and power... They go down. That is all. PS: And for...