That was THE LOUDEST game I have ever been or pro. And I have been coming to Florida Field since 1966! did. In a VERY dramatic way. (Like a German bomber being shot out of the sky and crashing into the English Channei!)
True... but I believe that things have gotten better with our relationship with him. He's been back to Florida Field and he DOES have some good...
Aren't we an astoundingly astute and highly educated fanbase!
Those that brought this fabrication to light KNOW that any kind of bad light cast on Florida will effect it's recruiting... especially now in...
Actually, "William Thurston Howell, III." [MEDIA]
Thank you... I can promise anyone that Spurrier would have never stooped this low in playing the game of football. He was totally anal in...
Could not have said it better!
I am confoooosed....
Gotta love these comments from Princely regarding The Swamp: "My experience with the fans, and the 90,000 fans in the Swamp, was great. It’s crazy...
Skink... Wellll...most of us here have felt like we have been trapped in a corral of Eeyores!
Wanne15... I am sure you are correct. I live up in the Atlanta area and over the last 30-plus years, I have developed some good friends that are...
"School Pride"?? What ever happened to that?
I feel that this will be a very interesting story that will be played out over the next year.
Heck, I would be happy with some quick slants across the middle with either our receivers or our nifty tight ends!!!
Orrrr... These consistently negative nellies are rival fans who love stirring up dirt!
Yesss... Excellent point!! HOW many teams in college football history score over 30 points and still... Wind up losing!
Yep...pretty much those 9 or 10 plays were on the defense. And Napier did not have control over that. Some negative nellies serm to have forgotten...
Welllll.... IF THERE WAS discord between Armstrong, Raymond and Spencer, then that could explain the HUGE defensive drop-off on our Gator defense....